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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I Moved! Come Visit!!

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 7/11/2012 07:29:00 PM 3 Comments
Hey, everyone! 
I moved...Yippeee!
I'm at my own (dot)com so come on over.
I don't want you to miss a thing!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Random Fun Stuff

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 6/29/2012 09:18:00 PM 4 Comments
Back when I used to work in a cell cubicle, I would have loved having Facebook or Pinterest then. That last hour of work would have flown by! So, that's what I have been doing instead of writing up a nice post tonight.

OK, this is still meant to be a nice post, yet it is random stuff I took with my camera phone. This young lady and I were talking about piercings. She liked my tragus piercing and she showed me her dermal...
I thought she was calling it 'gerbil' piercings. I felt old and out of touch. But, I would have loved to have done something like this when I was younger.

When I was in high school, my best friend was into Hello, Kitty. She couldn't get me to come to the 'pink side'. Now, you all KNOW how that has turned out. I never had any Hello, Kitty stuff until I started blogging. I saw these today and wanted them...

I have to wait til payday, though. But, I already bought this a couple of weeks ago...
It's wrinkly because I was cuddling it. I was giddy that I found something that fit at Rue21!!! I have a cute, new HK necklace to wear with this. No photo though.

I have an online friend named Brooke Bacon. I send her photos of bacon stuff I find...
Tonight I went out to eat sushi. I love sushi! But, when I see the koi pond, I start feeling really guilty. I wonder how they feel...
I like this shirt but I figured it would be cheaper if I just did this to one of my old tees...
My home office doubles as my fitness room. Here's Kayla all acting like she's pooped out from using my weights. Yea, right, Kayla!! Oh, please don't notice my excessive pile of running shoes...
At the last 5K race I ran (it was my 4th one), I got dog tags instead of a medal. I'm still proud...
These races start so early in the morning too! By the time I'm finished with the race, it's still Starbuck's chai time!...
Yes, I took this photo of myself in the Starbucks restroom. I felt pretty boss too. Just ran a little over 3 miles??? Who's making fun of the slow girl now, classmates???? Word!!! Like I said, I was feeling pretty boss!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Vanity Has Moved

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 6/27/2012 06:24:00 PM 0 Comments
Hi! I moved to a dot com. I'm excited about it even though learning WordPress is new to me. I'm very happy to have a lot of support helping me learn my way around my new blog home.

Come on over and see me decorate as I go along....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chick Nail Polish: Raven's Egg

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 6/26/2012 04:12:00 PM 8 Comments
Chick Nail Polish is a new-to-me brand. They were gracious enough to help sponsor the last Beauty Bloggers of Central Florida meet up that I attended.  And, this is where I acquired this polish. (You can purchase their polish, $9, from their website.)

Before I go any further, I'm saying right now, this is the most vibrant blue polish I now own. It is such a treat to get the same shade that the bottle presents on my nails. This is 'Raven's Egg'....

And, 'Raven's Egg' was a smooth operator too. Just two coats to awesomeness...
That shine is without a top coat!! And Chick Nail Polish stayed in place until I took it off. Sadly, however, this polish stained the heck out of my cuticles and nails. But, since it is a gorgeous blue, I'm willing to put up with it. I just gave my skin extra scrubs.

Can you see how smooth it is? I love this polish because it makes me look skilled at polish application. So easy! Ahh, hypnotic...
I would like to try another shade of Chick Nail Polish to see if all of them are as great as 'Raven's Egg'.

If you have tried Chick Nail Polish, how did you like it? If you are a lover of blue polish, you want this one, right?

This product was given to me for my honest review. These opinions are my own.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cellnique Skincare: Advanced Bio Renewal Serum & Reversal Platinum Cream

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 6/25/2012 04:07:00 PM 1 Comment
I have a preference. I bet you do too. In fact, I bet we have very strong preferences when it comes to beauty and cosmetic products. My strong preference deals with skincare. Back in March, I had a birthday. A BIG one. No, not thirty (that's not big, sorry), and not forty either (that's getting a big bigger), but BIG...5-0. Even though the 'fight' has been on for sometime, I will not allow my face to reveal my age. That's what I have a driver's license for.

One of the key points I'd like to make with my blog is, And I'm talking predominantly, your face. That's my secret, that's not really a secret but, has been good, common sense.

I have been using two skincare products for the last month that are new to me. I figured a month would give me a pretty good idea on whether I would give a thumbs up or down on these two items.  Before I go on and on about them, I want to say right off the bat, I loved using these!!

Here is what I got...

First is Advanced Bio Renewal Serum. And the other is Reversal Platinum Cream. Both of these are for skin that is, how should I put it...just past peak. That still makes me wince but, it is true. My skin is less than peak. :/ However, I don't have to give up hope, for cryin' out loud! I found two products to put into my corner.

As you can see, the packaging is simple but very elegant. These are not flimsy boxes. And that is a positive because these products were shipped from Asia. And, don't let the thought of ordering from overseas (if you don't live in Asia) detour you. Cellnique offers free shipping and a 100% refund if you do not like the products.

Their prices are in line with what I would expect from comparable department store brands. But, I was first bug-eyed when I saw these price stickers on the box...
Oh, my goodness!! But, if you go to Cellnique's website, you'll find the US dollar amount. The Serum is $51 and the Cream is $103.

Let's exam the is the Advanced Bio Renewal Serum...
It is in a pump bottle nestled into a sturdy box. Even though the product is labeled a 'serum' it isn't what I expected. This is a lotion, in my opinion. However, it went on smoothly and my skin absorbed it easily. The resume' for this serum is impressive: it stimulates cell renewal, helps keep pores unclogged, improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. And there was barely a fragrance which wasn't unpleasant at all.

After the serum absorbed, I followed with the Reversal Platinum Cream...

This, definitely, is a cream. The jar has a bluish hue to it but that's just the color of the jar. Both products where opaque white. And, the cream was a denser consistency than the serum, which is what I would expect. This cream is meant for skin that is drier and focusing on keeping wrinkles and fine lines at bay. This cream didn't have hardly any fragrance either. It deeply moisturized my skin without making it shiny later on in the day. I could feel that my skin was moisturized and, after using it for a month, my skin is now softer. One of the benefits the website mentions for this cream is that it provides a firming and lifting effect. I didn't feel that is something I achieved. But, I'm not disappointed one bit.

On Cellnique's site, they have very extensive information on the products they sell and it points you in the best direction for choosing items that suit your skincare needs.  But, again, if you should not like anything you order, you get a 100% refund.

Cellnique has won me over. I really, really like these two products. And, if the price does put you off some, after using these two for a month and, using them both in the morning before makeup and at night before bed, I am almost half-way through them. Using it twice a day, they will last me at least 2 months. My choice would be to use them just in the morning and use another, specific night cream at bedtime. Then, that would lengthen the usage even more. That is most assuredly my preference.

This product was provided to me for my honest review. These opinions are my own.

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