UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: Chick Nail Polish: Raven's Egg

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chick Nail Polish: Raven's Egg

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 6/26/2012 04:12:00 PM 8 Comments
Chick Nail Polish is a new-to-me brand. They were gracious enough to help sponsor the last Beauty Bloggers of Central Florida meet up that I attended.  And, this is where I acquired this polish. (You can purchase their polish, $9, from their website.)

Before I go any further, I'm saying right now, this is the most vibrant blue polish I now own. It is such a treat to get the same shade that the bottle presents on my nails. This is 'Raven's Egg'....

And, 'Raven's Egg' was a smooth operator too. Just two coats to awesomeness...
That shine is without a top coat!! And Chick Nail Polish stayed in place until I took it off. Sadly, however, this polish stained the heck out of my cuticles and nails. But, since it is a gorgeous blue, I'm willing to put up with it. I just gave my skin extra scrubs.

Can you see how smooth it is? I love this polish because it makes me look skilled at polish application. So easy! Ahh, hypnotic...
I would like to try another shade of Chick Nail Polish to see if all of them are as great as 'Raven's Egg'.

If you have tried Chick Nail Polish, how did you like it? If you are a lover of blue polish, you want this one, right?

This product was given to me for my honest review. These opinions are my own.

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