UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: I Am All A Quiver!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

I Am All A Quiver!!!!

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 6/18/2010 04:25:00 PM 0 Comments
It was just one of those regular CVS stops.  I walked in and right in the door entry, as an endcap was THIS...
It was almost totally full!  The top display is showing the 'salon professional' selection.  They cost $3.99.  The bottom one is called 'Confetti' and these gems are just $1.99!!!
Dang print...I could only make out, at first, that they are made in the USA. Can't see who makes these.  Wait, I looked on a green, then a burgundy, finally can see on a pink that it says 'MEGA Beauty Inc.'

Each row is a different color, no double facings.  Good grief, the variety is staggering.
I'm so sorry I cut the top off the display.  When I came into the store, I ran back out to my car and grabbed my camera.  I was wanting to snap off a couple of photos before someone in the store caught me.  My phone camera ain't worth squat!  That's why I carry my camera, though.

I was soooo eager to share these with you!  Now I have a group that understands this hobby, compulsion, obsession, whatEVER you want to call it.  Yippee!!

I'll take a photo later of my haul.  Gosh, I had to exercise sooo much restraint.  I promised myself I would be back later and add to my collection.  However, I did get a few.  Looking forward to sharing that with you later tonight or tomorrow.  I even bumped a NOTD and a mineral makeup review to get this on the blog.

Have I made you drool?  How soon are you going to start CVS-ing to look for these yourself?  Am I just a magpie? ;)

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