UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: I Couldn't Leave Well Enough Alone, Part II

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Couldn't Leave Well Enough Alone, Part II

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 9/08/2010 07:32:00 PM 0 Comments
A couple of posts back, I had Part I of 'not leaving well enough alone'.  However, I have to admit, when I did plop down a sparkly top coat here, it did make me feel I had improved on it.  Remember 'Home Improvement'?  Tim never could leave well enough alone either. 

For me, it's just a wickedly expensive fun hobby. 

Here's Confetti's 'Debutante'...
I'm going to call this a soft, gold taupe.  Very subdue and very office appropriate.  It's shimmery but not screaming.  I used three coats to make it Solid Gold. There's 2 coats of Seche Clear and 1 Coat of Seche Vite.  I'm sorta 'meh' about this color.  It's OK, but my tastes usually are to have my fingernails SCREAM!!!

Confetti's is a new brand, MBA Beauty, released at CVS.  Here's the scoop on why you may want to get some of MBA Beauty's polishes before they are GONE! 

I didn't wait...
If you see a color more than once, that means it's gonna be in a giveaway.  One for you, one for me.

I'm brazen enough to think I can do better.  Now, I did put on my thinking cap that not only lets me think outside of the box, but also color inside the lines.  If this color is golden, why not try a silver glitter????  Hmmmmm...I DID just get a new topcoat from Revlon.  They released a few new colors recently along with accenting glitter topcoats for...well, not leaving well enough alone!  YES!!  (I have learned, with lots and lots of practice, to justify about anything I do.)  Here's 'Belle' and she is a silver cutie pie.

Top photo is with the sunny window, last one is outside in sunny (read: hot) Florida.  How sad that the silver glitter and holographic larger glitter doesn't show up on the nails in the photos.  It does a lot more in real life.

Albeit some serious wear in the top photo (that looks really ugl-le), you can see some of the reflections.  And last, a photo of the bottle.  Ahhh, see what I mean!

And, even if I couldn't leave well enough alone, I feel I made a somewhat boring color a bit more spunky.

When you saw 'Belle,' did your mind start reeling as to what other polishes you could use this with?  Which ones?

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