UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: Lie Down a Blanket and Enjoy Sex on the Beach

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lie Down a Blanket and Enjoy Sex on the Beach

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 9/27/2010 02:41:00 PM
Once, I mused with co-workers that I thought sex on the beach would be so romantic.  One of the guys commented 'No, it's not.  You get sand everywhere and it's really uncomfortable.'

Here's some Sex on the Beach that I can, uhm, comfortably enjoy...
Holy sandbox!  If you have never tried BB Couture, stop reading blogs and go to and order some RIGHT NOW!  Seriously.  You will NOT regret it.
Sex on the Beach is an orange-red with the most fab gold and orange micro-glitter.  Personally, I have never seen any color like this.  I have 2 coats applied.  Since BB Couture is a base coat, color and top coat in one, it saves you gobs of time.  And the application, better than sex (on the beach!).  Truly glides on smooth, no grit.  The brush isn't skimpy or too thin.  I think the shape of this bottle is very chic. Sex on the Beach wears so well that I didn't get any lift or chips after 5 days.  I love this color so much I hated taking it off.

High shine?  You bet!  And if you don't get some BB Couture, you'll regret laying in the sand.  You don't want to get uncomfortable, do you?

BB Couture's Sex on the Beach was sent to me for review and my honest opinion.

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