Here is the Ice Queen's A to Z About Me:
The A-Z of me.
A. Age:
46 I am older than most of the polish/beauty bloggers out there.
I don't know if that is a good thing, or not. lol
B. Bed size:
B. Bed size:
Duh! Queen, of course! :D
C. Chore you hate:
dishes by hand. Seriously. I hate washing dishes. Dishes was "my job"
growing up. And I grew up in a big family. I would rather do just about
any other household chore; tons of laundry, scrub toilets, polish
furniture, mop floors for hours than wash a single frakking dish. As far
as I am concerned, modern progress peaked with the invention of the
dishwasher! lol
D. Day:
Monday. My guys go back to work and I have my house back.
E. Essential start to your day:
E. Essential start to your day:
F. Favorite color:
Blue. But I also adore pink and love red, as well.
G. Gold or Silver:
I am a gold girl. I know that wearing gold isn't "cool" or trendy, but
then... I am not cool or trendy, so... :D
H. Height:
H. Height:
I. Instruments:
I played the clarinet for a while in Jr. High but if I picked one up,
now I seriously doubt I could get it to produce anything close to
J. Job title:
Mad housewife.
K. Kids:
One grown son.
L. Live:
In Prescott, The Podunk Armpit Capital of Arizona.
K. Kids:
One grown son.
L. Live:
In Prescott, The Podunk Armpit Capital of Arizona.
(If you surmised from
the former that I don't like it here, you would be right. ;))
M. Mom’s name:
N. Nicknames:
Ice Queen, Shermie, Khardo, Old Crow, Bitch.
O. Overnight hospital stays:
N. Nicknames:
Ice Queen, Shermie, Khardo, Old Crow, Bitch.
O. Overnight hospital stays:
Two. Once when I had my son and once when I had surgery.
P. Pet peeve:
Rude people. Seriously! When did it become a cardinal sin to
practice simple, good manners?
Q. Quote from a movie:
"I'm surrounded by idiots!" ~~ Scar in The Lion King
R. Right or left handed:
Right handed. Very right handed. But, getting serious about polish has helped to
improve the dexterity in my left hand.
S. Siblings:
I am the second eldest of seven. Told you I grew up in a big family.
T. Time you wake up:
Fairly early. Usually six-ish. Sometimes I let myself sleep in until eight or so.
U. Underwear:
V. Vegetables you dislike:
Eggplant, Cooked spinach (love the stuff raw, tho) Brussels sprouts,
certain beans, okra (slime! *shudder*).
W. What makes you run late:
Nothing! I am so prompt that is is sickening. If someone else
causes me to be late, they get it. Both barrels.
X. X-Rays you've had:
Chest, elbow, wrist, spine, skull.
Y. Yummy food you make: .
this question was serious? Really? I am a lousy cook. Really. Lousy.
Cook. And I have little love for the activity. I can turn out a decent,
nourishing meal, if pressed but I would hardly call what comes out of my
kitchen "yummy".
Z. Zoo:
Z. Zoo:
been to one. I went to Lion Country Safari when I was a kid (yeah, I am
that old! lol) and Sea World a couple of times, back in the 70's. But I
have never been to a zoo.
The Ice Queen not only has nail swatches, she will share press releases and product reviews as well. Grab yourself a refreshing drink and step into Erika's Parlour for a fresh look at polish reviews and more.