My fellow Central Florida Beauty Blogger, Ali, of nifty_ba blog, tagged me on a get-to-know-you questionnaire. I'm game!!
The Rules
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus eleven questions for the people you have tagged to answer.
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your tag.
4. Email the person to let them know that they’ve been tagged.
5. No tag backs.
6. You legitimately have to tag.
11 Things About Me
1. I went to the same school, same building from Kindergarten to 11th grade. My senior year, we moved. So I was a new kid just that one time.
2. The job I currently do is the one I have stayed with the longest; this is my 5th year. Before that, it was just a bit over 2 years.
3. I started running last April. Since then, I have run in 3 5K races.
4. I'm totally addicted to The Walking Dead.
5. The tooth fairy only gave us a quarter when we lost a tooth. That was a lot back then.
6. I hate math and am horrible at it. But I love reading stats.
7. I have always loved classical music.
8. I got a ride in a hot air balloon once.
9. My home office also doubles as my fitness room. I have a set of dumbbells from 3# all the way up to 35#. Yes, I do use the 35# dumbbells.
10. When I win the lottery, I am going to go to Fiji first, where I will plan my life. I picked Fiji because I saw Anthony Robbins (motivational speaker) do an interview from his home there.
11. I am one of those people that has been to an Anthony Robbins seminar.
My 11 Questions for You
1. What was your Outfit of the Day?
I wore a pink tee with a swirly white, magenta, and black design on the front. It is brand new and it is made from the 'wicking' material that is suppose to keep me dry. It did OK. I wore black jeans and Adidas running shoes. Matching socks, of course.
2. What was the last thing you broke?
The back door window in my car. The mechanism that makes it go up and down broke. :(
3. Do you have a custom ringtone on your cell phone?
I sure do! I have the piggy that says 'weeeeeeeeweeeweeeee' from the Geico commercial.
4. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. Mom said she just liked the name.
5. What was the last thing you were complimented about?
I got complimented on my eye shadow.
6. What has been the farthest you’ve travelled?
I'm thinking this means away from home. Well, since I have had lots of different homes, that's hard. I have been to all states but 13. From California to Montana, Texas to Minnesota. New York and Connecticut all the states back down into the South.
7. What does your umbrella look like?
The last working one I had was a magenta one that folded up into a very small piece.
8. Do you have a favorite guilty pleasure meal, treat, or restaurant?
Turtle cheesecake.
9. What is your most prized makeup possession?
A lip gloss from Two-Faced. It is totally iridescent-madness.
10. What is your most prized possession (non-makeup related)?
A family portrait. Since Mom and Dad are divorced, I'll never get an upgrade of that.
11. Does Zoya have a nail polish with your name on it?
They have come close. They have Kimmer, Kimmi, Kym.
Now, my questions for my lovelies!!!!
1. What was your last nail polish purchase?
2. Do you have a gotta-see TV show? If not, what was the last one you had?
3. Do you kiss on the first date?
4. What can't you resist?
5. Do you carry any photos of yourself? And it can be with someone else.
6. What is your favorite season?
7. Who do you call the most?
8. Books, magazines or Internet for reading pleasure?
9. Have you ever seen a falling star? Did you make a wish, for real?
10. What color are your dishes?
11. Name your 5 favorite eye shadow colors.
1. Addicted to OPI
2. A Polish Problem
3. Vintage Makeup
4. Kitschy Suburbia
5. Candy Coated Tips
6. Ice Queen's Parlour
7. Just Peachy
8. Gotham Polish
9. Makeup Withdrawal
10. Sirena Sparklestar
11. Frazzle and Aniploish
Have some fun!!! :D
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