UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: A Deep Purple That Clears the Smoke on the Water

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Deep Purple That Clears the Smoke on the Water

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 4/11/2011 06:16:00 PM
Oh, my goodness!  I went over 666 followers so fast!  Everyone scurries around when there's a giveaway!  LOL!  I do hope it's a good one for everyone.  Go here if you haven't entered.

I love checking in at Forever 21 to see what new nail polishes they have in.  I'd think they'd have more (new) pastels but I'm finding tons of 'inky vamps.'  Here's one of them....

My photos are not as crisp as they usually are.  I wonder if I accidentally moved the settings.  I've already been dealing with a long-term accident.  Since October, last year, I've had a right shoulder ache.  It wouldn't go away.  Even with excessive whining and complaining.  It has stopped my weight lifting cold in its tracks.

A month ago, my hubs finally caught me with no more excuses, so I went to an orthopedic.  You know what that means; cortisone shot.  After this super cute doctor got away with giving me that shot, he wanted me back in one month.  It has not been much better since.  Friday he did an ultra-sound and confirmed: I have a partial tear in my rotator cuff.  He wants me to have surgery within the next 2 months before it totally tears.  Gulp!

Can a purple polish chase away the blues?  Today it can...
'Dark Purple', indeed!  Why, that's not good enough!!  How about 'Deep Purple Smoke on the Water'? Sort of a long name but, so is the song.  hee heee!

Lovely in 3 coats.  I topped it off with Color Club's 'Eco Chic Top Coat'.

More purple than blue, 'Deep Purple' takes the blues away, just for a while, and gives me a smile.

So, do you have a 'feel good' polish color? 


The Peach on April 11, 2011 at 6:51 PM said...

An awesome deep purple! I think my feel good polish is bright pink!

Megan Harmeyer on April 11, 2011 at 6:51 PM said...

"It wouldn't go away. Even with excessive whining and complaining." Yep. Sounds about right. LOL What a great purple! Where do you get love & beauty polish?

Shareena on April 11, 2011 at 8:20 PM said...

I hope you feeling better..
That purple is gorgeous!

Libby's Pink Vanity on April 11, 2011 at 10:09 PM said...

@Peach These inky colors are gorgeous on me. lol A, I can see why bright pink is a feel good polish. :)

@Megan I find the polish at Forever 21. Not a bad polish for $2.80! I hope you have Forever 21 stores in Albq.

@Shareena Thanks, doll! Maybe I should wear this polish while recovering?? :)

MissMidnightBlue on April 11, 2011 at 10:35 PM said...

Ooh love! I love it you! :) I hope feel better soon. My go to would be a holo, it just perks me right up. :)

Anonymous said...

I have to say, a good holo just perks me right up too, haha! This is GORGEOUS though, reminds me of one of the LA Girls Rockstar collection?? Which was awesome too.

Anonymous said...

And PS, I forgot to say, I hope you feel better soon!

Adele_Love on April 12, 2011 at 5:07 AM said...

I'm having a blog giveaway!


Angélique on April 12, 2011 at 12:16 PM said...

Beautiful colour, and wow I like your lay-out with all the butterflies!

Libby's Pink Vanity on April 13, 2011 at 7:16 PM said...

@MissMidnight I don't know if I've met a holo that I haven't liked.

@Maeve I 'think' LA Girl is made by the same company. ?? Thanks, sweet, for the well-wishes. :)

@Adele_Love Hi. Maybe you are unaware of proper blog etiquette but, it is considered rude to post your own website, blog and/or giveaway on someone else's blog.

@Angelique It's girly, alright! Thank you so much for stopping by.

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