UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: I Spy...New Stuff at Sol 4/15/11

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Spy...New Stuff at Sol 4/15/11

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 4/15/2011 07:47:00 PM 0 Comments
Do you have any Sol stores in the malls where you are?  We have several of them.  They are like dollar stores with, mostly cheap jewelry (cute cheap, fun rings), socks, purses and bags, flip flops and makeup.

Here's what I saw that was new...

Sets of neons and pastels.  $2.99 each.

Here are a couple of colors I swiped photos of really fast...
A powder pink.
A knock-your eyeballs out neon orange.

I exercised restraint.  I have absolutely no idea how, but I did.  Here are the two I purchased...

A pastel green and it's cousin, neon.  Can you believe that NONE of these had names, just numbers!!  I didn't think I'd get away with the photos much less hanging out to name them.  (Shhh...secret obsession)
Baby Blade of Grass pastel.
Go! Go! Green!
I want to swatch these this weekend.  That's what makes my weekends fun.  Am I not exciting!!!!  OK, whatever.

Do you have Sol stores or something like them in your malls?  I don't see anything unique with these colors; do you?

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