UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: Pop A Bottle, Birthday Beyotch!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pop A Bottle, Birthday Beyotch!

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 11/22/2011 05:59:00 PM
Color Club's 'Beyond the Mistletoe' was so pretty, I wore it an extra day. So, I don't have a dupe or comparison post today.

The Starbucks guy asked me if I was 'rockin' the glitter' this season. He told me that his girlfriend knows about the 'foil method' because she loves to wear glitter too. If they only knew how much glitter I really have!

And just because I have a gazillion few new nail polishes, doesn't keep me from buying looking at more.

Even though I love these glitters, I bought them for the names alone...

I think I would like the person who came up with this name.

Both of these are from Icing. I erroneously told someone that the name of this one was 'Pop A Cork'. LOL! I was trying to get it to work with 'Birthday Beyotch.'

I don't have Deborah Lippman's 'Happy Birthday' but I have plenty like it. Once I round them all up, a comparison/dupe post is in order. Click here if you'd like to see a swatch of DL's 'Happy Birthday' at Makeup and Beauty Blog.

'Pop A Bottle' might be more fitting for Mardi Gras. However, I'm fairly confident that I have at least one other bottle of polish to compare it. It is, without a doubt, a celebratory polish.

*Done with Polish Talk*

'Pop A Bottle' makes me think of a bubbly that my hair stylist, Renae, told me about. (Alas, Renae is in Virginia Beach, VA and I miss my hair stylist of 7 years.) :(

Boy, did I go for this faux bubbly...

It's a Spumante/Sparkletini/Wine but, can I get a great, big YUM! I like to give this as a gift when I go to house parties. I like the Green Apple and the Peach flavors. I have some Peach in the refrigerator right now, ready whenever guests stop by. Yes, I realize it is cheap inexpensive, but I didn't know it at the time Renae served it at the salon.

And so, you can pay a lot for champagne (which is tasty) and spend a lot of money or, you can get some Verdi and enjoy it whilst saving money so you can purchase 'Birthday Beyotch.'


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