UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: Heaven's 'Too Turquoise' Nail Polish

Monday, March 14, 2011

Heaven's 'Too Turquoise' Nail Polish

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 3/14/2011 01:33:00 PM 0 Comments
Something that is fun for me is to discover new brands of nail polishes.  Since I'm very new to nail blogging, I'm not having such a hard time doing this.  I am going to shops I normally would not and finding places that I do shop, that sell nail polishes.

Grocery stores are not my normal place for shopping for any beauty products.  However, I'm finding new-to-me stuff and even some dusties.  While out playing tourist, I stopping into a grocery store called 'Goodings.'  This used to be quite the grocery store when I lived in Orlando at the end of the '80's, beginning of the '90's.  Very up-scale and a feast for the eyes too.  Goodings is all but gone because Publix grocery stores have gobbled them up.  I stumbled across one in the tourist section of town, though, and had to check them out.

Here is a polish I found there and this brand is totally new to me...
This is 'Too Turquoise' from the Heaven Company.  I only found one listing for this actual product online.  Here, Layniefingers discovered it, too, at the grocery store.  Hey, her photo shows it was only $1.99!  I paid $8 for mine.  I see Gooding's still wants to be an upscale store!

This is a frosty, sea-foam green...
For not being a huge fan of frosts, I'm delighted to have this one.  This is 3 coats and just the tiniest bit streaky.  It was gone by the third coat, save for the thumb nail.
And, my luck, this polish played very nicely with my camera.  This is dead on.

So, why not play with the polish some more?
I mattefied it.  I used Color Club's Matte Polish and toned down some of the shine.  It was sort of like putting on the soft focus filter.

Have you heard about Heaven polishes before?  Laynefingers found hers in Albertsons.  We have just a few of those here, so I'm going to stop in and see if they have it.  I'd much rather pay $1.99!

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