UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: **CLOSED**Hair Romance and a FLASH Giveaway

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

**CLOSED**Hair Romance and a FLASH Giveaway

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 12/07/2011 07:21:00 PM
As a faithful reader, you know that I live in a sweltering swamp called Orlando. And sitting here at ehmmm...middle age, let me say that these two truths do not mix.

My hair is long and I like it. I have had enough bad haircuts to know that I do NOT like my hair short!
Currently, long...

Past, short, very bad hair cut...
You might not be able to tell, but I had been crying my eyes out. Two years ago, I went to get my hair cut just to the bottom of my collar bone. This is what I ended up with. I came home and put some mousse in my hair, messed it up and got this. Not so bad but, I NEVER got it to look like this again. :(

Since I like my long hair, during the summer, I wear it up, usually in a bun with a claw or a high ponytail. I get bored with these two styles so I googled blogs on hair styles. When I came across Hair Romance I noticed that her hair was similar to mine in length (at the beginning of this past summer), texture and color.

During the time that I began to follow Hair Romance, Christina, the blog owner, was showcasing a 30 days of up-dos. Perfect! Then I noticed that she was coming out with an e-book on all 30 styles showing step-by-step how to create them. :D

I think I was first in line when her e-book, '30 Days of Twist and Pin Hairstyles' went live. And I didn't have one boring day of up-dos all summer long!

Take a look at Hair Romance blog and read about all things hairstyles, trends, head scarves and more. And, of course, the '30 Days of Twist & Pin Hairstyles.'

Since I spoke with Christina about how her book made styling my hair so easy and fun, I asked her if I could share this wonderful book as a giveaway. Christina is delighted to sponsor one winner her own e-book!

This is a FLASH giveaway....quick and easy. Don't hesitate to enter!

The drawing is for one copy of the e-book '30 Days of Twist & Pin Hairstyles.'
*You must be a follower of Libby's Pink Vanity to enter and list how you follow and with your name you use.
*Only one entry, please. 
*You must give me a valid email address to notify you if you win and where to send the pin number to access your e-book copy.
*Since this is all electronic, it's open to everybody!!!!
*Giveaway starts right now and ends Sunday, 12/11/11 at 5 PM, EST.

Get ready to learn some easy and quick up dos!!!

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