UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: Lash Em Product Reviews; Part 3

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lash Em Product Reviews; Part 3

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 12/06/2011 06:05:00 PM 4 Comments
This post will wrap up my review of the Lash Em products. If you didn't see the first two posts, here is the first and here is the second.

And today, I will review and share before and after photos of their mascara and lash gel/serum.

When I saw the commercials about Latisse, I'm thinking, what woman wouldn't want thicker eyelashes? That's what the entire industry of false eyelashes and mascara are about!

Soon after, there were the over-the-counter products and golly, they cost as much as two tickets to Disney World (that's to say 'a lot of money'). Still, I was wondering could these products even work?

I got my chance to find out. The product I tried is Lash Em's Measurable Difference Lash Gel...
Let me explain about Lash Gel; think of this as a conditioner for your eyelashes. Just like hair conditioner makes your hair soft, flexible, strong and shiny; Lash Em's Lash Gel does the same thing with your eyelashes. It doesn't make you grow more lashes, but what it does is condition your current lashes so they become stronger, thus less breakage; thicker so they look more voluminous, and hold moisture so they are more durable and shiny.

This is my eye before I started using Lash Gel, and using 3-in-1 Bright Eye as well as Picture Perfect...
 I do not have any makeup or lotions on. The line you see at my lashes is my attempt at permanent eyeliner. (Some day I'll do a post on this. In the meantime, don't do it. Email me first and we can talk about it.)

My lashes are long and actually thick, considering I'm 49 when a lot of women will start to get breakage and grow less lashes. Fortunately, I don't have a lot of wrinkles showing when I relax my face and just gently close my eyes. This is a feature I am proud to show.

After using all three products for 30 days, here is my after photo...
Yes, I know the lighting is different, I only wish I was a professional photographer. :) But, there is no trick here that shows my lashes to be longer and a bit thicker. This is noticeable at the inner corner of my lash line. Many years back, my lashes grew right to the corner of my line. Can you see that they have returned?

And, my skin is brighter at the side of the bridge of my nose too. The fine lines are finer, not gone, but less noticeable. Happy blogger!

Additional thoughts on Lash is a serum, but not thick. You apply this like a liquid eyeliner. It is applied before any makeup and you allow it to dry first. I found that when I put the Lash Gel on first, then did all my other lotions and potions, I had given Lash Gel plenty of time to dry. The instructions say you can use it once in the morning and once at bedtime. However, since I felt I wasn't totally starting out with really bad lashes, once a day would be sufficient.

A few times, it felt like the serum was stinging my eyes. It wasn't terrible, but it was noticeable. The serum may have ran into my eyes, as this only happened about 3 times. Other than that, it felt cool and wet. When it dried, you couldn't see where it had been applied and it didn't interfere with any of my eye makeup.

The directions say to apply in one stroke meaning, don't coat it on like an eyeliner. I found it easier to apply one line from the inside corner to the middle and then, from the outer corner to the middle. At a price of $69.99, this is not a product I want to waste. (However, stay tuned and you'll find a sweet savings.)

In conjunction with using Measurable Difference Lash Serum, I tested Lash Em's mascara called Double Trouble Mascara...
Cutting to the chase, I reeeeeaaaallly like this mascara!

It is double-ended wand. One side is the volumizing mascara that makes the lashes thick and separates them easily. This wand brush has shorter bristles and is very flexible...

The other end is for lengthening. This brush is more like the standard wand...
First, use the volumizing end, then use the lengthening end. Here's what I got...

This photo is using both ends and, with full eye makeup. My eyelashes are much longer. The brushes coated each lash well and there was no clumping or fallout. It even made my bottom lashes more noticeable...
I surely do not like this picture angle as it distorts the nose, however, it shows off the bottom lashes as well, and how there are hardly any wrinkles around my eye.

OK, let's talk cost. As I mentioned above, the Lash Gel is $69.99 on Lash Em's website. The mascara is $19.99 on the site. I see these two products at the Bed, Bath and Beyond, locally, that has the Harmon Department. That's the ones that have all the beauty/health products. They sell the serum for $49.99 and the mascara for $16.99.

Lash Em has a special on their website, til December 30, for a set of both of these for $35. (shipping is extra) That is a savings of $54.98; more than 60% off. Very good deal.

A very good deal because I'm endorsing both of these products. Both the Lash Gel and the Mascara exceeded my expectations. I will continue to use both of these. And, I am getting in on the December special too. For a savings of almost $55, I'll jump at that!

These products have been sent to me for my personal review and honest opinion.

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