UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: Snow Light Blues

Friday, December 30, 2011

Snow Light Blues

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 12/30/2011 07:58:00 PM 4 Comments
Yesterday I posted on a Sally's Girl polish that, even though has no name, is still a crisp and shimmery steel blue-gray. I gave it a make-over and it came out fairly better.

First, I want to show you the Cosmetic Arts polish that began this evolution...
Cosmetic Arts doesn't name their shades, but doesn't this one just scream for one? Screamin' Steel? Eh.

But, oh how lovely this steel blue is...

This is with four coats and I still didn't get the same opaque look I wanted. I just wanted it to look like it does in the bottle.

Here is a photo in the shade...
Too sheer for the look I was going for. However, as I was sitting there with a grimace, I glanced over and saw the Sally's Girl, again no name, that I had just swatched. I got a simple idea...
Check out the micro-glitter in the bottle, and there is the slightest of shimmer on my nail...
It's there, on the nail, but ooooh, so subtle. In the sunlight, and rolling my nail back and forth, I could see all the different colored glitter twinkling like a night sky.

Using Sally's Girl polish, as the base coat for Cosmetic Arts, gave me more of the look I was hoping to achieve and with less coats. I used 2 coats of Sally's Girl and just one coat of Cosmetic Arts.

If I was a Franken Fashionista, I would franken these two and see if I could get the wanted look in just a single polish.

I'm sort of partial to icy blues during the winter. I got a photo of this over Christmas...


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