UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: Champagne Bubbles for the Holiday

Friday, December 16, 2011

Champagne Bubbles for the Holiday

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 12/16/2011 07:25:00 PM 7 Comments
I love the Christmas decorations that are all gold. They look so rich, right from a storybook. And to think, I almost passed this golden polish up...

China Glaze blew the cork right out of glitters with their 2011 collection. This gold is named 'Champagne Bubbles.'

This is why, at the last minute, I decided I did, indeed, need this gold...
This gold has sparse silver glitter in it; like...bubbles in champagne!

And this gold is a buffed, softened gold...
Just a bit of an issue with the silver glitter making the polish look, well, bubbly. In person, it isn't quite this bad, just very noticeable in (my) photos.

I applied 3 coats and they didn't dry as quickly as other polishes do. And so, I nicked my pinky. But the last photo shows just how yellow 'Champagne Bubbles' is. This isn't a gold that usually goes well with my skin tone, but this one, somehow, works very well. No top coat needed.

I like to have one glass of champagne a year, but rarely make the attempt to get it. I posted about Verdi and that's what I enjoy. How about you? Champagne? Gold polish?

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