UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: Lash Em Product Reviews; Part 1

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lash Em Product Reviews; Part 1

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 12/04/2011 07:45:00 PM 2 Comments
I have enjoyed testing out four products by Lash Em. Lash Em is a beauty company that specializes in products for the lashes and the eye area. I have seen the eyelash gel and the mascara, by Lash Em at a Bed, Bath and Beyond that carries beauty products. However, Lash Em is having a special right now that is way better! Keep reading for info on that in an upcoming post. Or better yet, study ahead and check out the website!

Here are the items I got...
The Picture Perfect creme is for daytime use. Below that is the 3 in 1 Eye Bright. This is used before bedtime. The Double Trouble Mascara has two difference products that I used together for some knocked-out lashes. And on the right, that's the Measurable Difference Lash Gel, which thickens and conditions eyelashes.

I'll start with the Picture Perfect item first.
This is an eye cream that I used after taking a morning shower. I haven't used a product like this before. I have heard about them so, here was my chance to see how it would work on me.

The dispenser is a pump and if I have one beef, it's that too much comes out with one full pump. Wasting products is not in my blood! So, I struggle to get out a half pump which is enough for both eyes. It was difficult to get just a half pump, but I would use all the product that was dispensed not only under my eyes, but out to the temples.

Once I apply Picture Perfect, it starts to feel cool and a bit tingly. And when I look into the mirror, I see that this product has smoothed out my fine lines. If you can imagine taking a thin solution of white glue and dabbing some on your skin; as it dries, it will smooth out the skin. Even if you crinkle the skin, it will go back to its smooth state when you let it go. This is how I can best describe Picture Perfect. But, I am not saying that is how it felt; like glue. No, it made my skin feel soft and still pliable.

Luckily, I don't have hardly any wrinkles beyond fine lines, so this product works for me. For someone who has deeper wrinkles, I think it would work up to a point. However, I don't think it is going to hide them, just lessen them.

One tip to consider, after I applied Picture Perfect, I learned I needed to be more gentle in applying my mineral foundation. If I buffed too hard, the product around my eyes would start to ball up. This only happened once as I really do use a very light hand in buffing on my foundation. I've always done that as I don't want the minerals to settle into the lines and exaggerate them.

Picture Perfect doesn't have an odor and doesn't feel sticky or gummy. After it completely dries, which is quickly, I didn't feel it on my face.

This product can be purchased on Lash Em's website. It is $38 and, for .5 oz, now I think you can see why I didn't want to waste any of the product!

I used Picture Perfect for 30 days. It did everything that the website stated as an anti-wrinkle cream. I would recommend this product to those that have fine lines they would like to diminish on a temporary basis. My skin is dry and even though Picture Perfect was moisturizing, I could have used a bit more moisture for my taste. Someone I would not recommend this for would be those that have very oily skin around their eyes and anyone who has very sensitive skin. Bottom line: I will continue to use it and do recommend it.

Tomorrow I will share with you my review and thoughts on Lash Em's 3-in-1 Eye Bright.

These products have been sent to me for my personal review and honest opinion.

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