UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: Toss or Trash: February 2012 Part 3

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Toss or Trash: February 2012 Part 3

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 3/03/2012 06:41:00 PM 8 Comments
I've talked enough trash in the last 2 posts, it's time to wrap this up! I will admit that doing this series does help me focus on using up products or deciding that a product isn't going to work the way I want it to. That's my reasoning on having so much to post about.

Last round-up of trash:
Starting from the left: Secret antiperspirant/deodorant; Ulta's Passionberry Vanilla body wash; Moroccanoil; Gud Vanilla Flame body wash; Rimmel's Volume Flash Mousse mascara.

Secret is one of my favorite deodorants. But here is were I am super fickle. When I need to buy deodorant, I'll get what is on sale from an array of popular brands. I have two different ones that I use, at any time, so my body doesn't become accustomed to just one. Secret seems to go on sale a lot because it does end up on the vanity often.

Ulta's Passionberry Vanilla was OK as a wash. But the fragrance was too weak to consider more purchases of this brand.

Moroccanoil is awesome. If you haven't tried an argan or moroccan oil, you should try this one. It's the best of the best. I got this as a sample from the Orlando Premiere show last year. I love using this. I do have an oil I love better. However, this is a very close second. That little bottle lasted me a long time. The sense is scrumptious and my dry hair drinks this in. I have the regular type in a larger bottle. But I wanted to see how this 'light' one worked out. With my hair type, I can use the regular consistency. The vanity approves of this product highly.

gud is not good, in my opinion. I did a post on my disappointment and you can read it here. I used this up fast. I will not be replacing it.

Last and finally, I tried Rimmel's Volume Flash Mousse mascara. I did like this but again, it was another product that dried up fast. I think because this was of a fluffy consistency that it had more air in it. Thus, it dried out before I could use it all up. I did like the way it smoothed on. I won't replace this mascara because I just have too many already. There wasn't anything that special about this one.

Tell me which products you have tried that I've listed. What's your take on them?

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